Living Well With Eisenhower Health



Join us for Living Well health and wellness-focused podcasts from experts at Eisenhower Health. Living Well podcasts can be downloaded for your convenience or you can listen by hitting the play button. Enjoy!


  • New INNOVATIONS in Urology


    In this episode, Dr. Jay Bishoff leads a discussion focusing on the new advancements in the field of urology.

  • Rotator Cuff Tears and the Latest Ways to Treat Them


    In this episode, Dr. Karimdad Otarodi, MD, orthopedic surgeon with Eisenhower Desert Orthopedic Center discusses rotator cuff tears, the latest treatments and some prevention tips. Dr. Otarodi specializes in shoulder surgery

  • Lung Cancer Screening: What is it and Who Benefits From It?


    The CDC says more people in the U.S. die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer for both men and women. Dr. Justin Thomas and Physician's Assistant Regina Schroeder discuss what a lung cancer screening is, who benefits from them, and more.

  • Addiction Medicine: What is It and How Can People Access These Services?


    An addiction to drugs or alcohol is a major challenge to overcome but treatment is available. Dr. Eduardo Javier discusses addiction medicine, the services that Eisenhower's treatment program has to offer, and more.

  • Bariatric Surgery and Who Can Benefit


    If you're struggling with obesity, weight loss surgery may be an option. Dr. Jorge Almodovar discusses the different bariatric surgery options available, who can possibly benefit from these surgeries, and more.

  • Prostate Cancer - New Robotic Treatments


    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death among men in the United States. Prostate cancer usually grows very slowly, and finding and treating it before symptoms occur may not improve men's health or help them live longer.A surgical treatment for prostate cancer, the radical prostatectomy procedure removes the entire prostate gland. Radical prostatectomy can now be done by laparoscopic or robotic techniques. In open prostate surgery, the prostate gland is removed through a larger incision in the lower abdomen. Laparoscopic prostate surgery involves key-hole incisions which used for inserting a lighted viewing instrument (laparoscope) into the pelvic region and allows examination and removal of the prostate without a large abdominal incision.

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): What Is it?


    TMS or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a promising outpatient treatment option for individuals suffering from major depression where medications are working.

  • Cryoablation - What is it and Who Benefits From This Cardiac Procedure


    Learn about this new cardiac procedure that freezes instead of burns (ablation) disease tissue that causes AFIB.

  • Clinical Trials Lead to New Treatments


    Hear how clinical trials at Eisenhower Health are leading to new treatments and how your or someone you know can participate in a clinical trial.

  • What is Heart Failure and Current Treatments


    Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's requirements. Heart Failure Program Coordinator Sheenah Fernandez discusses heart failure, its symptoms, possible treatment options, and more.

  • Early Heart Attack Care


    Did you know that two simple actions on your part can drastically improve the survival chances for someone having a heart attack? Lydia Vincent, a registered nurse and Eisenhower Heath's Chest Pain Coordinator, discusses these actions as well as other early heart attack care.

  • Allergy and Immunology Treatments


    Dr. Vincent Devlin explain what allergies are, how you can be tested for them and what type of treatments are best. He will also describe some new approaches and treatments.

  • Eisenhower Family BirthPlace: What is a NICU and When Do You Need One


    Myesha Peters, RN, oversees the Eisenhower Family Birth Center’s state-of-the-art NICU. In this episode she describes what a NICU is, its purpose, and what types of situations occur that require an infant to be placed in the NICU.

  • Wound Care: What Is It and Who Needs It


    Dr. Wood will explain what wound care is, the types of conditions that benefit from it and a bit about Eisenhower's Wound Care Clinic.

  • Why World AIDS Day Still Matters


    World AIDS Day, designated on December 1st every year since 1988, is an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and mourning those who have died of the disease. In this podcast we bring three perspectives from the healthcare field - a physician, a nurse and someone living with HIV.

  • Emergency Care at Eisenhower: Level IV Trauma, Triage and More


    Eisenhower's Emergency Department has been recently named as a Level IV Trauma Center. This episode will help the listener understand what that means and will provide suggestion on when to use the Emergency Dept, when to call for an ambulance and other information about emergency care at Eisenhower Health.

  • “My MRI Shows I Have a Meniscus Tear…”


    If your MRI shows a meniscus tear, you're probably wondering what comes next. Dr. Dustin Briggs discusses meniscus tears, what they are, possible treatments and remedies, and more.

  • Occupational Therapy - What You Need To Know


    Occupational therapists help patients recover and maintain daily living and working skills. Ashley Kwasniuk discusses how occupational therapy works, the differences between occupational therapy and physical therapy, and more.

  • HPV and Anal Cancer


    Eisenhower Health provides High Resolution Anoscopies for patients with HPV that are high risk of developing anal cancer. Because of the stigma around this type of cancer, there is often little discussion about it - it's the type of cancer that took Farrah Fawcett's life. It's time to shed light on this topic.

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